Saturday, March 31, 2007

contributions--Amy Goodman

Although Amy Goodman’s career as a journalist, author, and news program host is far from over, she has already made indelible contributions to the world of journalism and to the larger social and political community. She exhorts her listeners to come face to face with the uncommon perspective, the side of an issue submerged into newsprint oblivion for political or economic gain. What is being left out in a news story, and who is framing it? From whose perspective are these stories largely broadcast; whose perspective is being excluded? What are the motives and hidden agendas of those in power, who ultimately decide which wars we fight in and which countries we actively support? Amy Goodman is the truest rebel in the sense that she encourages dissent and searing analysis. An incorrigible nonconformist and free spirit, she has contributed to a mounting revolt against the one-sidedness of news media, particularly in terms of war coverage. Highlighting the danger posed by the lack of diverse voices offered by mainstream media, she states, “If you don’t hear the voices of certain people, and you see them being demonized, it becomes easier to treat them as subhuman”.

Some may accuse her of spewing “leftist propaganda”. Whether her stories are propaganda or not is largely a matter of opinion and personal interest; perhaps anything perceived as factual may be considered “propaganda” in that they are not facts but rather interpretations. In any case, Goodman offers those facts/ interpretations that other news outlets conceal. She fosters a nonpartisan approach to journalism in which no one, “leftist” or “conservative” or otherwise, is impervious to her brazenly inquiring—or, as Clinton put it, “combative”—interview style. In the same way that she does not shy away from being shedding a critical light on leaders and politicians from diverse political backgrounds, she reaches out to Americans who cannot be easily categorized. She remarks in an interview that “soldiers, military families, people in intelligence, government employees who are tired of information being manipulated and misrepresented, conservative Republicans who deeply care about issues of privacy and corporate control and an out-of-control war budget…” have all been responsive to her attempt to deconstruct those assumptions heralded by other news sources.

Unlike many other journalists who harbor shockingly close ties with those in power, Goodman is not content to play the pawn. Her refusal to temper her investigative reporting to suit the interests of a ruling elite is inspirational; as Goodman demonstrates, the journalistic role entails the serious questioning of those who run our government and our news media. As witnessed by the burgeoning popularity of Democracy Now!, it is independent media, untainted by a conglomerate of wealth and power and geared towards the goal of uncovering the uncommon story, that appears to have hit home for scores of disillusioned Americans. Goodman, espousing the use of such techniques as unembedded reporting that is atypical of mainstream reporting, has significantly contributed to the success of independent media and helped create a fertile atmosphere for the birth of independent news outlets throughout the country.

The news is a source of knowledge and edification. It is the means by which the people become informed of the surrounding world, ridding themselves of isolation and thus confirming their own humanity. Amy Goodman believes that this news should be relayed in a way that does not deceive the American people, lead them askew or bombard them with a perspective disturbingly distorted by political leanings or motives. Goodman, in this sense, is a godsend to the journalistic community. She continuously proves to be a fiery inspiration to those who are frustrated and angry with the reporting that often passes as “fair” and “objective”. The contribution that Goodman has thus far made cannot be quantified or calculated. She stands at the indomitable forefront of a resistance to the lies force-fed to the masses by those in power.


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